Is the use of Vitamin D in addition to the use of calcium recommended?
Vitamin D is required for adequate amounts of calcium to be absorbed into the
body, and for adequate calcium levels to be maintained.
Additionally in porphyria patients the use of magnesium also helps in the
absorption of calcium and provides other benefits needed by those with acute
Steven Angelo, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, CT.
Sufficient levels of Vitamin D are produced in the body after exposure to 10 to 15
minutes of sunshine three times a week.
For those unable to have direct contact with sunlight, Vitamin D supplements
can be obtained in various foods products as well as a straight supplement
Building Blocks
Six vitamins you must have
John McIntosh
Nutrition Report
Remedy Winter 2002
Vitamin D helps the body retain healthy levels of the minerals calcium and
Building Blocks
Six vitamins you must have
John McIntosh
Nutrition Report
Remedy Winter 2002
Vitamin D can be found in fatty fish and fish oils.
Building Blocks
Six vitamins you must have
John McIntosh
Nutrition Report
Remedy Winter 2002
The RDA for Vitamin D is 300 IU for persons ages 19-50.
For those 50-69 the RDA is 400 IU.
For those over 70 the RDA is 600 IU.
Building Blocks
Six vitamins you must have
John McIntosh
Nutrition Report
Remedy Winter 2002
The RealAge Optimum dose of vitamin D is 400 IU per day if you're under age
70, and 600 IU per day if you're over age 70.
Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy
subjects during winter.
Lansdowne, A. T., et. al.
1998 Feb;135(4):319-323.
Is the RDA schedule for Vitamin D sufficient for porphyria patients who
must guard against sunlight exposure?
RDA for Vitamin D Too Low for Those with Little Sunlight Exposure.
Journal of Internal Medicine
2000; 247: 260-268
SInce porphyria patients avoid sunlight on skin, supplementing with vitamin D
would be advantageous for preventing porphyric symptoms.
Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy
subjects during winter.
Lansdowne, A. T., et. al.
Department of Psychology
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW, Australia
1998 Feb;135(4):319-323.
The human body needs sunlight to produce Vitamin D, and winter months in
which sunlight is scarce may cause people to become deficient.
(*Also the same holds true for persons who avoid any exposure to sunlight, such
as in cases of porphyria.)
Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy
subjects during winter.
Lansdowne, A. T., et. al.
1998 Feb;135(4):319-323.
Vitamin D3 significantly enhanced positive affects with evidence of a reduction in
negative affect.
Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy
subjects during winter.
Lansdowne, A. T., et. al.
Department of Psychology
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW, Australia
1998 Feb;135(4):319-323.
An extreme form of seasonality is manifested as the
clinical syndrome of seasonal affective disorder with
carbohydrate craving, hypersomnia, lethargy, and
changes in circadian rhythms also evident.
Vitamin D has proven effective in treating of seasonality disorders.
Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy subjects during winter.
Lansdowne, A. T., et. al.
Department of Psychology
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW, Australia
1998 Feb;135(4):319-323.
Does having less exposure to sunlight pose a risk for porphyria patients?
During months when there are fewer hours of sunlight, some people develop a
condition marked by symptoms of depression, lethargy, and sleeplessness, as
well as a craving for carbohydrate-rich foods.
Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy
subjects during winter.
Lansdowne, A. T., et. al.
1998 Feb;135(4):319-323.
Why is Vitamin D3 essential for depression?
Researchers speculate that SAD or winter blues (depression) may be caused,
in part, by a deficiency of vitamin D.
Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy
subjects during winter.
Lansdowne, A. T., et. al.
1998 Feb;135(4):319-323.
Can people be deficient in Vitamin D?
Many people who are not exposed to adequateamounts of sunlight are suffering
from significant vitamin D deficiencies, especially if their diets are also low in it.
Journal of Internal Medicine
2000; 247: 260-268
Severe vitamin D deficiency is prevalent amongst sunlight-deprived individuals
This deficiency may be the result of a combination of limitations in sunlight
exposure and a low oral intake of vitamin D.
Journal of Internal Medicine
2000; 247: 260-268
Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy subjects during winter.
Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy
subjects during winter.
Lansdowne, A. T., et. al.
1998 Feb;135(4):319-323.
Sunlight exposure of the skin is known to be the most important source of
vitamin D.
Journal of Internal Medicine
2000; 247: 260-268
How can one obtain Vitamin D in natural form?
Vitamin D also can be obtained from foods, such as Atlantic mackerel, some
cereals (check the label), and vitamin D-enriched milk, or from supplements.
Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy
subjects during winter.
Lansdowne, A. T., et. al.
1998 Feb;135(4):319-323.