What are vitamins and what do they do?
Vitamins are a group of 13 substances that are required for metabolism, growth
and regulations of cells in the body.
These vitamibns are called A, C, C.D.E.K. and the B vitamins.
Building Blocks
Six vitamins you must have
John McIntosh
Nutrition Report
Remedy Winter 2002
How do we get vitamins?
We must obtain vitamins from the foods that we eat except for Vitamin D and K,
which the body cam make itself.
Building Blocks
Six vitamins you must have
John McIntosh
Nutrition Report
Remedy Winter 2002
What is assimilation in reference to vitamin intake?
Assimilation is the process by whichnutrients are used by the body once they
have been absorbed.
Some people have metabolic faults.
These may be as a result of genetic defect, food intolerance, nutritional
deficiencies, food toxins, and environmental pollutants that prevent the body
from efficiently utilizing the nutrients they have absorbed.
In acute porphyria patients often there is a poor absorption of carbohydrate and
to maintain sufficient levels persons are treated with intravenous glucose.
Vitamins and Minerals: A Practical Approach
Denise Mortimore
2001 Harper Collins Publishers
Are there drawbacks to the use of single nutrient supplements?
Advertisements, popular articles, books and other means of trumpeting the
benefits of various nutrients for preventing or curing different fear diseases are
catching people's attention today. Fads, and fads
that can hurt.
This is shown by the lastest statistics indicating more than 50 percent of the
U.S. population consume nutritional supplements. Unfortunately many are
beginning to consume only a single nutrient or two.
To many people this seems reasonable, After all if zinc fights the common cold,
why not take a zinc supplement?
Unforfunately scientists are finding that single nutrient supplements do not
prevent the problems thought to arise from lack of the nutrient. Often in those
cases, people are not getting enough of other nutrients they need to effectively
use the nutrient of concern. For instance calcium supplements taken alone
offer little good and are passed through the body and voided in the urine for the
most part unused. To be effectively absorbed calcium must be taken along with
Vitamin D and magnesium. A protocol would be 2000 calcium, 1750
magnesium and 400 ui of Vitamin D. Anyone of these taken alone does little if
Postmenopausal women show changes that can increase risk of heart attack
and osteoporosis if left uncorrected for an extended period of time. These
changes include increases in blood chloresterol and in incidence of abnormal
heart rythms, more calcium lost through the ruine and biochemical changes in
blood indicating decreased bone formation. Therefore a proper protocol for the
use of calcium supplements is mandated.
While inadequate intakes of individual nutrients can contribute to some chronic
diseases, the likehood of is much greater when intakes of two elements
contributing to the same disease are inadequate. This is why periodic blood
serum testing is necessary as we age, and also in all persons with a chronic
disease. Popular theories tell us that if we use this ingredient or that ingredient
it will benefit the particular chronic disease. In these cases just supplementing
with one of the missing nutrients is not likely ro give the desired health outcome.
In addition often overuse of a specific nutrient can cause toxicity and in some
causes leads to other medical conditions.
> A popular MS regiment of the use of pyridoxine
> shows some effectiveness
> in some specific forms of MS and with regular
> blood serum testing checking the
> diminished levels of nutrients. However, it has
> been found ineffective as an overall
> treatment of MS patients in general.
> Use of the pryidoxine in other persons
> with a normal B-6 level can cause toxicity
> and lead to other medical conditions,
> therefore no one should ever exceed the
> normal recommended dose.
In the use of pantothenic acid, B-5, any excess over the recommended dose
can cause bleeding.
Robert Johnson M.D.
Internal Medicine
Both the B-5 and the B-6 however should not be taken as individual nutrients
but in a daily overall supplment if there is any actual need for use of a
Sheryl Wilson MSN RD
Do porphyria patients have a different intake of vitamins?
Intakes of vitamins and minerals should meet the RDAs.
Nutritional Guidelines For People With Porphyria
AIP Medical Guide
Sheryl Wilson, [HCP], MSN, RD
Can vitamin deficiency have an affect on PN?
Your risk of developing peripheral neuropathy is also high if you abuse alcohol
or are deficient in certain vitamins, especially B-1 (thiamin) and B-12. Pernicious
anemia, which occurs when your body can't absorb B-12 properly, often leads to
peripheral neuropathy.
Understanding neuropathy
Adams, R.D. et. al.
Synthetic or natural substances added to products to prevent or delay their
deterioriation by action of oxygen in air. In biochemistry and medicine,
antioxidants are enzymes or other organic substances, such as vitamin e or
beta-carotene, that are capable of counteracting the damaging effects of
oxidation in animal tissue.
Before any regiment of nutrients is begun thorough blood serum testing must
be undertaken and reviewed citing diminished levels, and only through
consultation with a physician should use of single supplement nutrients be
Reginal Loepke PhD
Metabolic Science
When asked in relation to porphyria specifically, the use of supplements has
not been defined except with the use of beta carotene in specific types of
Other studies thus far undertaken only reflect the need for high carbohydrate
intake, low fat intake, and medium intake of fiber.
Sheryl Wilson MSN RD
Foods with porphyringenic subtance are to be avoided.
Robert Johnson M.D.
Internal Medicine
Overall it is best for all persons to follow the RDA and eat well balanced meals.
In porphyria eating a combination of carbohydrates with the emphasis on the
"complex" carbohydrates is most beneficial.
For those who insist on insurance in their dietary intake, avoid single-nutrient
supplements ad choose a balanced multivitamin-multimineral supplement
instead. Most of the popular selling books are fads and fads do not equate
good nutrition or cure of medical conditions.
Dr. Forrest H. Nielsen
Medical Research Nutritionist
Human Nutrition Research Center
Do the malabsorption problems associated with acute porphyria have any
bearing on vitamin intake?
A person whose digestion is inefficient is likely to have a higher requirement
for nutrients.
It is well known that in acute porphyrias that carbohydrates are porrly absorbed.
Vitamins and Minerals: A Practical Approach
Denise Mortimore
2001 Harper Collins Publishers
There are some malabsorption concerns in the porphyrias.
Robert JOhnson M.D.
Internal Medicine
Does coffee or tea cause malabsorption of vitamins?
Several vital nutrients including Vitamin B, iron, and zinc are porrly absorbed in
the presence of mild stimulants such as tea and coffee.
Vitamins and Minerals: A Practical Approach
Denise Mortimore
2001 Harper Collins Publishers
If a person still drinks coffee or tea or even the decaffenated forms of these,
when is the best time to consume these?
Coffee and tea are better ingested between meals than with them.
Vitamins and Minerals: A Practical Approach
Denise Mortimore
2001 Harper Collins Publishers
If a person still drinks coffee or tea or even the decaffenated forms of these,
when is the best time to consume these?
Coffee and tea are better ingested between meals than with them.
Vitamins and Minerals: A Practical Approach
Denise Mortimore
2001 Harper Collins Publishers
Does one's age play a role in the amount of vitamins they need to take?
As we get older we almost certainly will require greater amounts of certain
essential nutrients.
Additional amounts are needed to combat the wear and tear of an aging
metabolism and digestive system.
Additional ammounts are also needed to counteract he nutrient-depleting effect
of anymedication.
To complicate matters caloric intake needs to be reduced as we age.
Vitamins and Minerals: A Practical Approach
Denise Mortimore
2001 Harper Collins Publishers
Can there be vitamin over use?
In these days of ultra liberal vitamin usage, there is the possibility of vitamin
With chronic toxicity due to over consumption of retinol, patients experience one
or all of the following medical conditions: pruritus, hyperkeratosis, and varying
degrees of alopecia.
In the skeletal system the patient experiences painful swelling along the bones.
Joseph J. Vitale Sr. M.D.
Boston University School of Medicine
Director, Mallory Institute of Pathology, Boston
What does mega-dosing of vitamins do to the CNS?
The motor and central nervous systems of a porphyria patients are all ready
under attack.
Causing chemical toxicity due to mega dosing with vitamins in addition to the
symptoms of porphyria should be avoided.
Jeff Danniels, PhD.
Molecular Biology & Alternative Medicine
What does vitamin toxicity do?
Chemical changes in the normally healthy person can cause toxicity, and in the
porphyric person such chemical imbalances can pose far greater problems of
Jeff Danniels, PhD.
Molecular Biology & Alternative Medicine
Can a person have vitamin toxicity?
n these days of ultra liberal vitamin usage, there is the possibility of vitamin
With chronic toxicity due to over consumption of retinol, patients experience one
or all of the following medicalconditions: pruritus, hyperkeratosis, and varying
degrees of alopecia.
In the skeletal system the patient experiences painful swelling along the bones.
Joseph J. Vitale Sr. M.D.
Boston University School of Medicine
Director, Mallory Institute of Pathology, Boston
Over dosing of vitamins can cause toxicity and physical impairment.
Robert Johnson M.D.
Can experimental Vitamin B6 use lead to toxicity in the body?
Porphyria patients in growing numbers have reportedly been experimenting with
the use of vitamin B6 or t he p5p regimen.
It has long been known the the ingestion of megadoses (2 to 6 g/day for 2 to 40
mo) of pyridoxine, may cause progressive sensory ataxia.
In addition it can cause profound lower limb impairment of position and vibration
With extra doses of pyridoxine the senses of touch, temperature, and pain are
less affected.
Jeff Danniels, PhD.
Molecular Biology & Alternative Medicine
Too much ingestion of pyridoxine can cause loss of sensation.
Sheryl Wilson MSN RD
Tingling, numbness can occur with the over supplementation of pyridoxine.
Robert Johnson M.D.
Internal Medicine
Can illness alter the amount of vitamin intake a person needs?
Many illnesses and dieseases severely deplete resources of certain nutients.
This is especially true where there are digestive and absorption problems or
where vomiting and diarrhea are symptoms.
In acute porphyria the need for Potassium and Magnesium and often Calcium is
Vitamins and Minerals: A Practical Approach
Denise Mortimore
2001 Harper Collins Publishers
What is Collagen?
Collagen is a strong, flexible, inelastic protein found in body tissues.
Vitamins and Minerals:
Healthy Diet & Safe Supplementation
Denise Mortimore
Does smoking interfere with vitamin absorption?
Smoking increased the need for some vitamins.
Vitamins and Minerals: A Practical Approach
Denise Mortimore
2001 Harper Collins Publishers
Do vitamins help protect against skim damage in porphyria?
Sunscreens are helpful, but they don't completely block the sun's
Researchers have found that a liberal application of topical vitamin E or vitamin
C can help reverse much of the damaged wrought by the ultraviolet light.
Using a special laser fluorescence-imaging microscope to peer into the main
protective barrier of the skin, and found that sun exposure generated free
radicals that damaged skin cells.
Vitamin E and especially vitamin C significantly reduced free radical generation.
The result is that whenever you are in the sun, wear plenty of sunscreen. And
use one that has an antioxidant."
Kerry Hanson, PhD
the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics
University of Illinois
September 2001
Where are phytochemicals found?
Phytochemicals are chemicals found in plants.
Foods that contain phytochemicals include fruits,
vegetables, whole grain products, legumes, and nuts.
Hundred of phytochemicals have been identified in
wide range of plant foods."
L.B. Bobroff et. al.
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
University of Florida
Clinical trials have not be conducted on most vitamins.
Robert Johnson M.D.
Internal Medicine
Have vitamins and herbal supplements been researched and tested?
It is apparent why porphyria patients will want to try fads, because they are
carriers of an uncurable disease.
However, such fads are only fads until years of investigative research, clinical
trials and FDA approval has been untaken.
Most vitamins and herbal medicines are largely unresearched.
Jeff Danniels, PhD.
Molecular Biology & Alternative Medicine